This weekend must be not -so-awesome-possum weekend because I need to study for 2 finals,Yay me!!! Padan muka,sapa soh x study awl2.Xpe2, shift keja sudah di'post',nasib baik Miss Nadia is willing to take my shift.Volunteer meh,syg r Nadia,cm taw2 ja ime mls nk keja bfore final nie.Xpe, nnt ganti balik duit income,sbb nk byr duit kutu Miss Elin..btw, sy dh dpt duit kutu utk the first time,lama tgu, tp x sgka nk dpt awl,igt kn duit tu dpt time winter nnt sbb time hibernate jg memerlukan duit utk membeli mknn since we have to gain more FAT,grrrr sejuknya, x thn dh dok sni,nak balik M'sia (T_T)..Huhu.
Next week's final exams will be BMB 400 and MICRB 435 (lupa plak kod, tp yg pastinya paper Virology).A lot of stuffs running on my head.Dang! Sempat ke nak pulun.Kalu time2 cenggini,selalu ngantuk awl,at last tdo terus.Kalu nk bgn kol 8 mlm,selalu terlajak.terlajak perahu boleh la undur,terlajak masa,abis den x study..huhu.Selalu bgn awl,Qada ap yg x bca2 lg.Alhamdulillah,x liat nk bgn yang penting perlukan determination yg tgi.Maybe 1 lg factor utama sbb bgn iaitu,LAPAR..hehehe.Bangun pagi kena breakfast.penting tu.Apa2 pon GOOD LUCK BEBEH in your final!
Right now Mr. Sunshine is out of town sbb dia nak g kawen..Oops bukan dia tp adik dia yg sampai jodoh dulu.Tahniah Hilal and Ima, semoga berkekalan hingga ke pintu syurga.Ameeeen.Cewah, sukanya,jodoh korg awl.Alhamdulillah.Mr.Sunshine,sila belajar2 ap yg patut k (^^).
Tidak lupa juga kepada Abg Ngah n Kak Ira dan Kak la n Abg Ikhwan,Selamat Pengantin baru,Semoga berkekalan smpai ke anak cucu cicit piot suma lah.Selamat menjalani kehidupan berumah tangga.X dpt la k.long nk balik n jd flower girl..huhuuhu,maybe next time,k.
p/s : Mr.Sunshine have fun k and please come back early(^^,)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
:: 2 PM ::
Currently, I have become a big fan of 2 PM (Korean Boyband)..huhu,Wanie Rahim,I blame on you for this !!!!!.They are really talented singers and dancers and really cute..They are 6 of them I think,Junsu(leader),Junho,ChanSung,Taec ,Woo Young and Nickhun (i don't know if I spell all 6 names correctly or not ) Wanie had posted a link about 2 PM in my FB once and she is really big fan of Taec.All the posts that she shared with her friends are all about 2PM. Huhu.I kind of die hard fan of SuJu for a while and I moved To SNSD and T-ara.Ohh I forget to mention about FT ISLAND.I really love Hong Ki's voice and other group members.
These are 2 PM songs that catch my ears
1 ) I'll be back
2 ) I hate you
3 ) Again and Again
4 ) Without you
6 ) Heartbeat
7 ) Don't stop Can't stop .
Sunday, December 5, 2010
:: It's snowing ::
Today is snowing.
This season makes me wanna hibernate more with my Mr Todd and Mr Tedd I'm quite sleepy right now..Huaarggggh (Big yawns)
I have to study for the final exam for BI SC 004..hAHAHA as usual LAST minute study..can't make the early one,always wanna postpone and plus with this kind of weather..urgh..
oooh really Sleeepy~ It 's like there is a brick above my eyes.Both eyes.Really.
Plus my full-loaded stomach with foods (from Brunch earlier with Elin n Bashe)
I might think of a cup of coffee might help me to stay awake until 8 pm,at least..
My bed is calling..Good Night everybody~
Ime (Sunday ,4.51 pm)
This season makes me wanna hibernate more with my Mr Todd and Mr Tedd I'm quite sleepy right now..Huaarggggh (Big yawns)
I have to study for the final exam for BI SC 004..hAHAHA as usual LAST minute study..can't make the early one,always wanna postpone and plus with this kind of weather..urgh..
oooh really Sleeepy~ It 's like there is a brick above my eyes.Both eyes.Really.
Plus my full-loaded stomach with foods (from Brunch earlier with Elin n Bashe)
I might think of a cup of coffee might help me to stay awake until 8 pm,at least..
My bed is calling..Good Night everybody~
Ime (Sunday ,4.51 pm)
Thanksgiving part 1 ; New Hampshire
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Bashe ,me, elin,bit,mirae,skin n mard under the moonlight near the Lakeside , Winnipesauke |
About last 2 weeks we were having so much fun in during Thanksgiving break.First, We were heading to North Of United States,visiting Peyya at New Hampshire.It took about 12 hours to go there by car.We re stopped by at Peyya's house.having
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Credit to Skin,me standing on the railway cause there is no train was coming |
The weather was bright but the cooler wind touched our skin.It was a cold day.We were going to the Lakeside at Winnipesaukee.The place is closed due to Winter season and cold weather.Ohhh grr.I dunno how many layers clothes I had been wearing but the coolness still can reach my bone..
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Home-made Pumpkin pie by BJ's fren |
I love fruit pie but my not into this pumpkin pie,I don't know maybe I can't accept that the pumpkin is one of the vegetable so I couldn't eat that when it comes to pie..I just ate a lil bit, it kind of taste like spices as well..maybe cinnamon or coriander.. huhu.But I love the color,Orange =).
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No Birdy -Bird nest |
Haha there is not much pictures about me right in this blog becauseI just wanna share with you guys what the moments that we don't have in Malaysia or State College as well.Hehehe,I think the pictures also can tell the story too.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
:: Secret Garden ::
Recently mood utk study hilang entah ke jgn la hilang,ad 2 finals lg ok.Ooops 3 actually,tp yg 1 ni dah lali dah.every 2 weeks ad ja exam.Nasib x cumulative kalu x masak den,kena berhempas pulas utk naik kan CGPA..Dang that's Genetic..sioooot.geram betui~~
Ada jugak kwn2 lain yg dh xde final.Bagus la korg,boleh keja smpai byk2 shift and kepala x pening dh nk pk.Next semester plak menunggu.Haish..
Entry kali ni nak buat satu sinopsis tentang 1 cerita korea nie,drama baru maybe,tgh ke udara kt tv sy tgk online.Dah advance Ime,x tgk youtube dah noo,asal boleh ja..hehe.
Cerita ini berkisarkan ttg a millionaire heir ap nama watak dia eh,tp tau la nama betul pelakon tu,Hyun Bin ( berlakon cerita my lovely Sam Soon) dgn Ha Ji Won as Gil Ra Im.Pertemuan dieorang ni pelik sangat.Ra Im as stunt woman actress and Hyun Bin as org kaya yg ad mall sendiri.Mmg kaya la.Dia ad tanah yg luas mcm pdg golf and ad garden dlm tanah dia tu.Pertemuan dieorg ni mmg x disangka2.Rasanya Ra Im injured and Hyun Bin hantarkan ke hospital.Hyun Bin punya taste bukannya mcm Ra Im, tp ppuan tu kena la anak org kaya,family dikenali,x pon ad high education , pandai bergaya.Ra Im plak jenis x kesah pakai bju cam tomboy pon,rambut pendek,pakai sneakers,and even beg pon terputus tali and disambung balik guna safety pin ja.Ra Im dok kt rumah sewa ja,tu pon mcm nk reban.Hyun Bin rasa kesian and even terfikir utk beli kan beg baru utk Ra Im..
Yang comel about this story Hyun Bin start tergila2 kan Ra Im tp dia x taw nak express cara lembut.Dia try approach Ra Im dgn hidangkan makanan mahal2,belanja kawan2 Ra Im kt set pengambaran,and mcm2 lg.Tetapi dia tunjuk cara yg salah.Dia x pndai amik hati Ra Im,so Ra Im is pointless la sebenarnya.Ye la,sapa x bengang kalu org nak kita pakai bju lawa2 tp dgn cara memaksa,kita pon gerun kan..rasa mcm nk mkn org ja,mcm rimau kelaparan..Maybe Hyun Bin rsa ego dia tinggi kot lg pon dia kaya raya,boleh buat ap yg dia suka.
This is my favorite quote,Hyun Bin said tu Ra Im " You are the middle of the woman I wanna date and a mother to my children.But ,you are not eligible to be Miss Korea~".Ra Im x bleh jd Miss Korea la sebab bdn dia habis calar balar buat aksi stunt seperti terjun banguna,kena langgar ngan kereta.suma la aksi lagak ngeri,suma dia boleh buat,terjun,terbang, and etc.
These are some favorite scenes sbb rasa scene ni sgt la chomel..
Ada jugak kwn2 lain yg dh xde final.Bagus la korg,boleh keja smpai byk2 shift and kepala x pening dh nk pk.Next semester plak menunggu.Haish..
Entry kali ni nak buat satu sinopsis tentang 1 cerita korea nie,drama baru maybe,tgh ke udara kt tv sy tgk online.Dah advance Ime,x tgk youtube dah noo,asal boleh ja..hehe.
Cerita ini berkisarkan ttg a millionaire heir ap nama watak dia eh,tp tau la nama betul pelakon tu,Hyun Bin ( berlakon cerita my lovely Sam Soon) dgn Ha Ji Won as Gil Ra Im.Pertemuan dieorang ni pelik sangat.Ra Im as stunt woman actress and Hyun Bin as org kaya yg ad mall sendiri.Mmg kaya la.Dia ad tanah yg luas mcm pdg golf and ad garden dlm tanah dia tu.Pertemuan dieorg ni mmg x disangka2.Rasanya Ra Im injured and Hyun Bin hantarkan ke hospital.Hyun Bin punya taste bukannya mcm Ra Im, tp ppuan tu kena la anak org kaya,family dikenali,x pon ad high education , pandai bergaya.Ra Im plak jenis x kesah pakai bju cam tomboy pon,rambut pendek,pakai sneakers,and even beg pon terputus tali and disambung balik guna safety pin ja.Ra Im dok kt rumah sewa ja,tu pon mcm nk reban.Hyun Bin rasa kesian and even terfikir utk beli kan beg baru utk Ra Im..
Yang comel about this story Hyun Bin start tergila2 kan Ra Im tp dia x taw nak express cara lembut.Dia try approach Ra Im dgn hidangkan makanan mahal2,belanja kawan2 Ra Im kt set pengambaran,and mcm2 lg.Tetapi dia tunjuk cara yg salah.Dia x pndai amik hati Ra Im,so Ra Im is pointless la sebenarnya.Ye la,sapa x bengang kalu org nak kita pakai bju lawa2 tp dgn cara memaksa,kita pon gerun kan..rasa mcm nk mkn org ja,mcm rimau kelaparan..Maybe Hyun Bin rsa ego dia tinggi kot lg pon dia kaya raya,boleh buat ap yg dia suka.
This is my favorite quote,Hyun Bin said tu Ra Im " You are the middle of the woman I wanna date and a mother to my children.But ,you are not eligible to be Miss Korea~".Ra Im x bleh jd Miss Korea la sebab bdn dia habis calar balar buat aksi stunt seperti terjun banguna,kena langgar ngan kereta.suma la aksi lagak ngeri,suma dia boleh buat,terjun,terbang, and etc.
These are some favorite scenes sbb rasa scene ni sgt la chomel..
- Ke mana saja Hyun Bin pergi, dia akan teringatkn Ra Im and in this story ,Ra Im akan ikut dia berjalan2 di sisi Hyun Bin.Ra Im akan mengikut tanpa berkata ap2 and tersenyum..
- Hyun Bin sedang duduk di Secret Garden and mengorbankn flower petals utk menentukan perasaan Ra Im terhadapnya"cursing, not cursing,cursing,not cursing..".Hahaha,benda typical yg mcm org lain akan buat..kui3
- Di tengah2 cerita, Ra Im sesat dlm hutan semasa mengikuti activiti dgn Hyun Bin and Oska.Ra Im mmg minat Oska dri dlu lg.Then, Oska make a deal with Hyun Bin,kalu dia menang dlm deal dieorg, dia nak Ra Im jd teman istimewa.Ra Im sesat dlm hutan dan Hyun Bin telah berusaha mencarinya sampai dpt.
- At last,Hyun Bin berjaya menemui Ra Im dah terjumpa 1 kampung di mana seorang nenek tua membuat wine sebagai sumber pendapatan (ala2 nenek kebayan gitu).Nenek itu pon membekal kan setiap sorg tonik aka home -made wine
- Keesokan harinya, kedua2 mereka telah bertukar-tukar badan ,Ra Im dlm diri Hyun Bin,Hyun Bin dlm diri Ra Im.Bermula la episode seterusnya..bersambung
:: Kitchen Talk ::
This week I've been working for 4 shift from Thursday till Saturday, 2 early morning shifts and 2 evening shifts.Suka kerja pagi2 buta time org x bgn tdo lg,hehehe bangun seawal pkul 4 pg and pastu tunda and tunda and tunda,akhirnya bgn pkul 5.30 pg..siap2 suma tgu bus in front of my apartment at 6.49 am.
Bila dah sampai kat The Mix , say Hello to Mark and either Susan or Tory.Tp Tory xde plak during this week.Maybe join the 'Canning' program kot (which is fund raising for THON).So,I've working alone making fruit cups.Dulu terkial2 jgk ap nk cmpur,Honey dew and Cantaloupe, x pon Cantaloupe ngan Pineapple,x pon with Grapes.Sekarang sy dah independent..kui3.Hari Khamis keja ngan sorang minah salleh ni,nama Ivy.Senyap giler dia,nak tegur cam scary ja.ntah la,org ckp don't judge a book by it's cover, tp nk buat cmna dia style buat keja diam.Suka lg keja ngan Susan or Tory,boleh bersembang.x bosan.Even time Ivy ad kt kitchen, Mark x bising pon.Bila Ivy hilang g buat keja kt depan,baru dia excited nk tegur.HAHAH,this is a story ,from last week Mark has been asking me about graduating next semester.
Mark : Hey Amy, Are you really graduating this Spring?
Me : Yes I am.Why ?
Mark : Awwh, you are really want to leave me alone here..Same
goes to Jinny
Me : Who's Jinny???
Steph :Jin Wei.Mark,How about you adopt them? So they will
work with you for a looooooong time
Mark : Hahaha.How about I adopt u guys and you guys can be
brother and sister..
Me : Hahaha.That's awesome
Hehehe based on this story,sy mmg kena balik M'sia.Tempatku di sini utk seketika cuma,just utk menimba ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman di tempat org.Orang ckp, jauh berjalan luas pemandangan.Byk kredit hours keja,byk jumpa kerenah org jgk..kui3.Ad yg best,ad yg horror ad yg adventure contohnya utk pertama kali membuat Caramel Latte yg sebenarnya senang ja nk buat,tp digembar- gembur kan dgn technigue yg susah.Cappucino pon almost the same ngan Caramel latte, tp Cappucino lebih byk foam ja.Beza technique utk buat just hasilkan byk foam dri coffee maker,pastu tapis foam,amik bahagian bwh skit and foam sebagai hiasan ja..hehe,senang ja kan.Dulu bukan main gelabah kalu nk buat.Mark dlu pernah la sound x kn x reti buat kot,At last I survive ok,who knows..sebenarnya,utk memudah kan keja,Supervisor dah letak recipe kt tempat buat air.Sebab tu la survive.kalu x terkontang kanting ja.mati kutu ap nk kena buat.Lg 1 ,bila customer mintak air yg sebenarnya senang ja nk buat,tp dieorg nk ikut taste dieorg.Yeah, customer always right..Huhu Whatever~ Ada ja yogurt machine utk buat Vanilla Milkshake, g kat machine tu and shake it shake it jah~ap susahnya.Ni tak,ad ja nk Vanilla Milkshake tp nak guna Ice cream vanilla.Dah 1 keja nk korek2 ais krim vanila tu and blend.Pastu taruk susu.x pe lah,asal boleh.Hentam saja.nak masuk perut jgk nnt..hik3
p/s : Now I realize,jd cashier bosan, sebab kt dapur ad mknn(^_^).Even though x 'katok' ad ja menda lain boleh mkn,contohnya,ad Iced Caramel latte or Mocha..yummy.Xnak dah jd cashier,bg je la kat Megat..hehe
Bila dah sampai kat The Mix , say Hello to Mark and either Susan or Tory.Tp Tory xde plak during this week.Maybe join the 'Canning' program kot (which is fund raising for THON).So,I've working alone making fruit cups.Dulu terkial2 jgk ap nk cmpur,Honey dew and Cantaloupe, x pon Cantaloupe ngan Pineapple,x pon with Grapes.Sekarang sy dah independent..kui3.Hari Khamis keja ngan sorang minah salleh ni,nama Ivy.Senyap giler dia,nak tegur cam scary ja.ntah la,org ckp don't judge a book by it's cover, tp nk buat cmna dia style buat keja diam.Suka lg keja ngan Susan or Tory,boleh bersembang.x bosan.Even time Ivy ad kt kitchen, Mark x bising pon.Bila Ivy hilang g buat keja kt depan,baru dia excited nk tegur.HAHAH,this is a story ,from last week Mark has been asking me about graduating next semester.
Mark : Hey Amy, Are you really graduating this Spring?
Me : Yes I am.Why ?
Mark : Awwh, you are really want to leave me alone here..Same
goes to Jinny
Me : Who's Jinny???
Steph :Jin Wei.Mark,How about you adopt them? So they will
work with you for a looooooong time
Mark : Hahaha.How about I adopt u guys and you guys can be
brother and sister..
Me : Hahaha.That's awesome
Hehehe based on this story,sy mmg kena balik M'sia.Tempatku di sini utk seketika cuma,just utk menimba ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman di tempat org.Orang ckp, jauh berjalan luas pemandangan.Byk kredit hours keja,byk jumpa kerenah org jgk..kui3.Ad yg best,ad yg horror ad yg adventure contohnya utk pertama kali membuat Caramel Latte yg sebenarnya senang ja nk buat,tp digembar- gembur kan dgn technigue yg susah.Cappucino pon almost the same ngan Caramel latte, tp Cappucino lebih byk foam ja.Beza technique utk buat just hasilkan byk foam dri coffee maker,pastu tapis foam,amik bahagian bwh skit and foam sebagai hiasan ja..hehe,senang ja kan.Dulu bukan main gelabah kalu nk buat.Mark dlu pernah la sound x kn x reti buat kot,At last I survive ok,who knows..sebenarnya,utk memudah kan keja,Supervisor dah letak recipe kt tempat buat air.Sebab tu la survive.kalu x terkontang kanting ja.mati kutu ap nk kena buat.Lg 1 ,bila customer mintak air yg sebenarnya senang ja nk buat,tp dieorg nk ikut taste dieorg.Yeah, customer always right..Huhu Whatever~ Ada ja yogurt machine utk buat Vanilla Milkshake, g kat machine tu and shake it shake it jah~ap susahnya.Ni tak,ad ja nk Vanilla Milkshake tp nak guna Ice cream vanilla.Dah 1 keja nk korek2 ais krim vanila tu and blend.Pastu taruk susu.x pe lah,asal boleh.Hentam saja.nak masuk perut jgk nnt..hik3
p/s : Now I realize,jd cashier bosan, sebab kt dapur ad mknn(^_^).Even though x 'katok' ad ja menda lain boleh mkn,contohnya,ad Iced Caramel latte or Mocha..yummy.Xnak dah jd cashier,bg je la kat Megat..hehe
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