Wednesday, October 13, 2010

:: Our Song ::

Hurm,agak lama x update blog nie,xtaw la kot2 ada sarang lebah la bagai..heheh,,bukan ap,bz meh,exam la, lab la smpai ptg, ronggeng la mkn tetap ikut time..hahaha,tu mesti,xnak kena gastrik n kena jgk jaga perut..kui3.mmg bz,smpai org tersayang pon terabai..sorry sgt2..mcm kerja cari nafkah plak..kui3

Blog kali ini ditujukan khas utk seseorg yg jauh di mata tp dekat di hati..kui3 sebab slalu webcam pon =)..w'pon a few days after the 'big day',I've got sweet present from is not a beautiful necklace or earings or flowers or blouses or  whatsoever.It's just a song called' Ever The Same ' by Rob Thomas.What makes this song beautiful for me is because he always sing this song for me and it is one of his favorite.So from now,I don't have to ask him to sing me that song because he already did record the song for me and make it as slower tempo.hehehe,thanks Dear.w'pon lepas penat2 menyudahkan lantai di rumah,tp sempat jgk utk record lagu as my anniversary gift,,hehe cam org kawen,tp blom lg ok~insyaAllah

Dulu selalu jgk mintak dia nyanyi kan lagu sebab suara dia boleh thn sedap la..ngaji sedap,nyanyi sedap,cuma kalu ckp ja slalu ad loghat utara..hik3..(ampun2),,kkdg mintak mmg x dpt,kkdg dia nyanyikan,ikut mood jgk baru phm dia cmna,xbleh paksa2 dia sgt,sbb dia mmg xkn buat ap yg kita mintak.But then,ttiba kalu kita terlupa ap yg kita mintak tu,ttiba dia akan lakukan ap yg kita request tu tanpa disedari.Itu lah namanya SURPRISE!!! hehe.Sungguh terharu ok.Tricknya senang ja,he asked to sing a song for him,x kira la lagu ap pon,sedap ke x sedap ka nyanyi ja,lari pitching pon gasak la,nyanyi ja..twinkle little star ke,lagu skolah ka,lagu state ka,dia x kira ap dah..but still I still got the reward at the end.Thank dear =)..I really appreciate what have you done for me..tu x termasuk hal2 lain lagi..(^^,).Senang cerita,you have always be my Mista SunShine.

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